Suvo Bizoy is a nine year old boy living in Bangladesh. The factory collapse killed both of his parents. He witnessed his mother's body being pulled out of the debris. He goes back faithfully each day to mourn. Suvo is one of the estimated 3,000 children that lost at least one parent. He now lives with his aunt, Asma, notice her words. 
“His parents were Suvo’s life,” his aunt, Asma, says. “Now he has no one. He wakes at night crying for them.
“He comes here to the ruins every day. He says he feels close to them here. His father is still here somewhere and he wants to help find him. In reality we know there is nothing he can do.”
How does this affect us as consumers in America? Well when you walk into your favorite store do you think "A person across the work is suffering horrible work conditions in order for me to buy this shirt"? I know I don't. But the horrible truth is that this large demand that we are creating as consumers is putting others lives in danger.


    My name is Symone and I am a senior at Science Leadership Academy. This blog was created to show the connection between the popularity of the retail industry and the price being paid for it.


    June 2013
    May 2013

